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Now to develop Java programs, you can install Eclipse IDE on Ubuntu.
For that, you can check out our guide on how to switch between Java versions. However, if you have multiple versions of Java installed, you can select one version as the default. That’s it this is how you can install OpenJDK and Oracle JDK on your Ubuntu operating system. Depending on how your computer is set up, you may be able to start the installer by double-clicking the 'i2pinstall2.2.1.jar' file or right-clicking the file and. Here, click the “ Install” button to start installing Oracle Java on your system. The most reliable way to launch the installer is from a terminal like this: java -jar i2pinstall2.2.1.jar. Step 3: Now, it will open the Ubuntu Software Center. Right-click on the file and click Open With Other Application > Software Install. Step 2: Once the download is complete, go to the location where you saved the DEB file. For that, visit the link and download the 圆4 Debian Package file. Download the Java including the latest version 17 LTS on the Java SE Platform. Step 1: Download the Oracle Java JDK Installer file. For that, you can follow the steps mentioned below: Now, let us discuss how to install the latest version of Java JDK. Installing the Latest Version of Java JDK If you need only JRE, install the default-jre package by running this terminal command: sudo apt install default-jre 2. Note:- JRE is included in the JDK package. Open your terminal, navigate to the saved location, and then run java -Xms2G -Xmx2G -jar paper.jar -nogui. Running The Server To run the server, simply start it up like any other Java application. Click on the build number to download a file. Step 3: To install the default version of Java JDK, you can run the following command: sudo apt install default-jdk Paper provides runnable server jars directly from our websites downloads page. If you get the following output, “ Command ‘java’ not found, but can be installed with:“, you can follow the following steps to install the default version of Java JDK. Now, to check, run the following command: java -version Or, you can update to the latest version of Java. If your Ubuntu system has Java already installed, you can skip this step and proceed to the installation of Eclipse IDE for Java programming.

Sometimes, the Ubuntu system comes pre-installed with Java. Step 2: After that, you can check whether Java JDK is pre-installed or not.